-12V Fixed Negative Voltage Regulator 7912 | 7912 Pinout and Simple Circuit Diagram

12V Fixed Negative Voltage Regulator 7912 | 7912 Pinout and Simple Circuit Diagram

7912 Pinout and Simple Circuit Diagram - Electronic Project


Five years ago when I first started with Arduino and Raspberry Pi I did not think too much about power supply, at this time the power adapter from Raspberry Pi and the USB Power supply of Arduino was more than enough. But after some time my curiosity about the project system pushed me to consider other power supply methods, and after creating more project systems I was forced to make considerations about different and if possible adjustable DC power supply sources. Especially when you finish your Circuit diagram design you will definitely want to build a more permanent version of your project system, and for that, you will need to consider how to go about providing power supply to it.

You should consider in your design that logic level voltages Circuit diagram need to be regulated very precisely Power Supply. For example for devices with TTL voltage, the power supply voltage needs to be between 4.75 and 5.25 volts Circuit diagram, otherwise, any voltage deviation will cause the Currenttlou logic components to stop working power supply correctly or even destroy your Circuit diagram components. In contrast to the logic level devices, the power supply for the project system motors, LEDs, and other electronic Power supply components can deviate in a wide range. Additionally, you must consider the current requirements of the project. Especially motors can cause the power supply current draw to fluctuate and you need to design your power supply to accommodate the Circuit diagram “worst case” situation where every motor is a power supply operated at full capacity.

The manufacturer recommendations for the smoothing capacitors is CInput = 0.33 µF and COutput = 0.1 µF, but the general practice is 100 µF capacitor on the input and the output It is a good solution for the worst-case scenario, and the capacitors help to cope with sudden fluctuations and transients in the supply. In case the supply falls below the threshold of 2 V- the capacitors will stabilize the supply to ensure that this does not happen. If your project does not have such transients, then you can run with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Diagram of 7912 Pinout and Simple Circuit Diagram:

12v negative voltage regulator

Components Needed for this Project:

You can get the components from any of the sites below:

  1. Name [See Buy Click Amazon]
  2. Name [See Buy Click Amazon]
  3. Name [See Buy Click Amazon]
  4. Name [See Buy Click Amazon]
  5. Name [See Buy Click Amazon]
  6. Name [See Buy Click Amazon]

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Read Also:

Working Principle of LM7912 Negative Voltage Regulator:

In all the circuits for our applications, we use both positive and negative voltages are required. Usually, these devices are used with a positive voltage and a ground, instead of negative voltages. Negative voltages are the voltages less than the ground voltage. These can be driven by the power supply by changing the polarity. Negative voltages can also cause damage to the circuit if they are not stable. To make them stable and draw a constant negative output voltage Negative voltage regulators are used. One of such regulators available in the market is LM7912.

In the realm of electronics, one indispensable component is the voltage regulator. These devices are designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level. They are integral to a vast array of electrical devices, ensuring the right amount of power is provided for safe and efficient operation. However, not all voltage regulators are created equal. In this article, we delve into the world of negative voltage regulators, their design, applications, and benefits.

A negative voltage regulator is a specific type of voltage regulator designed to output a negative voltage. While positive voltage regulators are more common and regulate voltage in the positive half of the electrical circuit, negative voltage regulators manage the negative side. They provide a constant output voltage that is negative relative to the common ground.

The operation of a negative voltage regulator is based on the principle of negative feedback. In this context, a portion of the output voltage is inverted and fed back to the input. When the output voltage rises above the desired level, this feedback signals the regulator to decrease the output. Conversely, when the output voltage drops below the desired level, the feedback signals an increase in output. This constant adjustment helps maintain a steady negative output voltage, despite variations in input voltage or load conditions.

However, they do have some downsides. For instance, linear negative voltage regulators, while being simple and producing low noise, are not as efficient as their switching counterparts. They can waste a significant amount of power as heat, especially when the difference between the input and output voltage is high. On the other hand, switching negative voltage regulators, while more efficient, can generate a significant amount of electrical noise, which can interfere with the operation of sensitive electronic devices.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a 12V regulator?

This is the basic L7812 voltage and regulator, a 3-terminal positive regulator with a 12V fixed output power supply voltage. This fixed regulator provides local regulation, internal current limiting, thermal shut-down control, and safe area protection for your project.

How do you limit voltage to 12 volts?

If you need a regulated 12V input, the Circuit diagram uses a low dropout voltage and regulator, or a switching and regulator. LDO isn't going to work when the Circuit diagram battery voltage falls to 12.0V. In a situation where regulated 12V is needed, he'd need a proper buck/boost switching DC-DC converter.

How to decrease 12V to 5v?

You can down the Power Supply voltage from 12v to 5v using 7805 IC. If you want to convert 5v to 3.3v, this tutorial surely will help you to convert 5v to 3.3v. 2. Connect 1k Resistor another end to 2.2k Resistor.

How to reduce 19V DC to 12V DC?

To convert 19V to 12V, you would typically use a voltage regulator or a buck converter. A voltage regulator is a simple device that reduces the input voltage to the desired output voltage, while a buck converter is a more efficient and flexible option for step-down voltage conversion.

How to reduce 12V to 11v?

just put one or two diodes (e.g. 1n4001) between your voltage supply/battery and your circuit. each diode will lower the voltage by 0.7 volts. Do not use a resistor or project system because the voltage drop is too dependent on the power supply load.

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