2 Wire Sensor in Magnetic Contactor | 2 wire sensor wiring | 2 wire magnetic sensor

2 Wire Sensor in Magnetic Contactor | 2 wire sensor wiring | 2 wire magnetic sensor

2 Wire Sensor in Magnetic Contactor:

This diagram shows how to connect 2 Wire Sensor in Magnetic Contactor. In this circuit diagram, we simply connect a magnetic contactor with a 2-wire NC and NO sensor and DP MCB. First of all, we just input line supply to DP MCB and then output line from DP MCB to contactor and 2 wire NO and NC sensor. If you want to know more information about this circuit diagram please check our youtube video below.

Diagram 2 Wire Sensor in Magnetic Contactor wiring:

Components Need for this Project:

You can get the components from any of the sites below:

  1. Magnetic Contactor [See Buy Click Amazon]
  2. NPN Sensor [See Buy Click Amazon]
  3. DP MCB [See Buy Click Amazon]
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Components used to make the 2 Wire Sensor in Contactor:

01. Magnetic Contactor

Magnetic Contactor
Fig 2: Magnetic Contactor
A magnetic contactor is an electrical device used for load control, automation, and protection. It is much like a magnetic reel. However, relays are generally used for low power and voltage, on the other hand, when we think of high power, these heavy-duty contractors only come to mind. It basically works by switching the load on and off. It has 3 terminals whose inputs are denoted as L1, L2, L3, and outputs as T1, T2, and T3. The circuit of the load is made in automation mode or protection using auxiliary contacts. It has two types of terminals. 1) Normally Open (NO). 2) Normally Closed (NC).

02. NPN Sensor

NPN Sensor
Fig 3: NPN Sensor
The NPN Output of the Sensor is a Switch Ground. NPN Proximity Sensors Provide an Active Low Output. This Means That When an Object Enters The Detecting Range Of The Sensor, The Output of The Sensor is Connected To The Ground. This type of Sensor Is Also Known As a 'Sinking' Sensor. In general, an NPN output can be connected directly to a digital pin, with the internal pull-up enabled. This Output Connects to GND When Active and is Floating when not Active.

03. DP MCB

Fig 4: DP MCB
Double pole MCB can control two wires. This circuit breaker is generally used in single-phase electric lines. Double pole MCB circuit breaker input has two wires supply two wires and an output. In a single-phase line, A double-pole MCB circuit breaker is used to give good production. This circuit breaker is provided through phase and neutral circuit breaker, it is very safe. This circuit breaker is preferred for home appliances. A DP MCB usually trips for 2 reasons 1. Overload 2. Short circuit.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the output of a 2-wire sensor?

A two-wire sensor having 4 to 20 mA output is a device equipped with both a power supply line and 4 to 20 mA output through its circuit configuration that changes the current flow consumption of the power supply line in the range of 4 to 20 mA.

What is a 2-wire temperature sensor?

A 2-wire coolant temperature sensor (CTS) is a type of sensor that measures the temperature of the engine coolant in a vehicle. It consists of 2- wires that are connected to the vehicle's engine control to the module (ECM). The CTS works by using a thermistor, which is a type of temperature-sensitive resistor.

What is a 2-wire speed sensor?

Stand-alone, contactless, active sensor providing the speed or direction of the transmission shafts by detecting the rotation of a ferromagnetic and magnetic encoder wheel mounted on the input and output shafts.

What is the difference between 1 wire and 2 wire temperature sensor?

The one-wire temperature sensor uses the sensor body as a return path. The amount of mA used to complete the circuit is used as a sensor. The 2-wire sensor uses the second wire as a signal wire to return back to the PLC and analog card. The material inside the sensor dictates the return current flow.

How does a magnetic sensor work?

Magnetic sensors have a working principle based on the measurement of changes in the magnetic moment of magnetic material when exposed to magnetic fields. The magnetic materials say ferromagnetic react to temperature change or magnetoelastic materials react to mechanical stress, in the medium with which they interact.

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